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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Lulu, and I've been looking for a home for over 3 years. Aunts say that if I were as sociable as I am beautiful, I would probably have my own home for a long time. Well, what can I advise that strangers terrify me? I hide and do not show. I have to tell you right away that if you want to meet me, you will see my tail at most, I will not go out to you and that's it. I hug my aunt at my aunt's temporary house, set the head and a debt to stroking and ask for attention. It is known how my aunt will move too quickly, I will be scared, but I sleep with joy in the cot. Maybe some of you want to love a kitty with an original beauty, which, however, will never welcome guests in the door for it will love you and trust you ...

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